Works better than Ambien, Rozerem, Lunesta, and Sonata combined!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Part Two: The joys of motherhood and Ozzy Osbourne

Okay, I know everybody has told me that every child is different, but since I already have one kid, I thought, "how different can they really be?" Apparently, they can be as different as night and day. I figured that my daughter would be just like my son and that the sleep deprivation would be high since I'd be feeding every two hours. Nope. She sleeps like a dream, it's eating that I'm having problems with! Caoimhe reminds me of the Coneheads from Saturday Night Live and if you remember them, you're really carbon dating yourself because they were from a long time ago. First off, her head is kind of shaped like a conehead even though she was a C-section baby, but here's where she really reminds me of the Coneheads, one of the things the Coneheads would say was "consume in mass quantities", that pretty much summarizes what she does with food. She consumes in mass quantities and I cannot keep up! You'd have to be half Jersey Cow to keep up with the milk demands of this small child who is smaller and lighter than her big bro when he was born!! Needless to say, I've had to supplement her feedings with formula because she'd lost so much weight at the hospital and since I've supplemented her feedings she's gained 4 oz in a day and she's gained another 4 oz after just three days!! I think it surprised both her regular pediatrician and the pediatrician who checked up on her just before our discharge. She's all about the food and sleep right now. I'm not complaining because I think I can deal with the consume in mass quantities better than the total sleep deprivation that I was dealt with the first time around. At least now, she's sleeping sometimes four hours at a time which means I get at least 2 and a half to three hours of sleep straight!

I bet you were wondering about what the hell Ozzy Osbourne has to do with motherhood. I was getting to that. Monday was Caoimhe's first pediatrician's visit and for the most part she did well. Her patience ran out at the end, though, and she spent the last half of the visit crying and she was still crying as we put her in her car seat and drove home. I thought that she'd go to sleep after the car broke 30 mph, but after breaking 55 mph and she's still screaming, I knew that there was little chance that she'd stop. I asked my husband to turn on the radio and tune it to the usual rap and R&B station that I listen to and hoped she'd remember the sounds of that station from when I was pregnant, but before he could get to that station, he hit a station playing Ozzy Osbourne. Caoimhe stopped crying immediately and started to fall asleep! Not just that, both hands went up and I swear that if I looked under the mittens that I'd put on her hands, her fingers would have been in the "rock on" formation often seen during Ozzy concerts! Now I have nothing against Ozzy, except for that stinker of a TV show they had on Fox, but I really didn't expect to have a six day old Ozzy fan on my hands. Oy, I guess what my mother said was right. Payback is a bitch.

Part One: Congrats to my big brother!!

Congrats to my big bro, Mark, who just ran in his second Boston Marathon!!! He was also featured in a pretty neat article that was featured on and the Gainesville Sun newspaper. Here's the link so you can think my big bro is pretty neat, too!!

Congrats, Markie!! Riley and Caoimhe are super proud of their Unca Markie and hope to see you soon!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Good to be back home!

After a trying week, I'm back home! Caoimhe Grace was born on Tuesday April 14th at 1424 via C-Section. I was in the hospital until Friday and today is my first full day home and it feels good! I will post pictures of my little piggy(story to follow) soon, but until then, I had forgotten how fun a newborn can be. I've just experienced love at first sight for the second time of my life and although I'm wickedly sleep deprived right now, I really hope that my little girl will take her sweet time growing up!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Down the home stretch!

Well. Today was officially the last day of work before my scheduled C-section. Actually, it worked out pretty well since I had originally taken off this Friday through next Sunday due to my son's spring break, which is always Good Friday and the week after. Little did I know that my C-section would be scheduled for that week and I actually get 13 weeks off with the new baby rather than the 12 week FMLA. One week extra, hooray!

Well, I got my new spinning wheel, SpinOlution's new travel wheel, the Bee. I would post pictures, but I haven't gotten any so no pictures as of yet. It's performing waaaay better than I thought it would and I've already spun up a nice lace weight yarn on it. Of course, when I get on a spinning "trip", I usually go way overboard because a couple of weeks ago I decided I needed to upgrade my carder. Don't get me wrong, I love my Strauch Finest but I wanted something, oh, electric driven. So I knew that Strauch had recently put out an electric version of the Finest, but I had told myself a few years ago that if I were to upgrade, I'd upgrade to the Pat Green Supercard, especially since it has like three heads and it runs only on 2 amps so it's pretty environmentally friendly. So needless to say, I sent the check a couple of weeks ago and just this afternoon I spoke to the very nice Paula Simmons Green who told me that my Supercard will be shipping on April 23rd! So there will be posts soon with pictures of (hopefully) both my new Bee and the Supercard!! Wow. I really am way more addicted to fiber and fiber related equiptment...actually I even have a list of potential wheels for my next wheel purchase. I wonder if there's counselling for this kind of addiction?