I know my daughter is growing up, but I feel like she's doing it too fast! She just learned how to roll over both from her back to her front and from her front to her back just two and a half weeks ago and now she won't stop rolling! She's like a little bowling ball, rolling over and over and over! I put her on her back and within two seconds, she flips over. I don't know if she wants to or if it's now some kind of habit! Here's a cute little video of her rolling over. I didn't catch the whole thing because whenever I tried to catch it on video, she would refuse to roll over so I had to do it on the sly. Happy viewing!
Now for something lighthearted: Sesame Street Slayarrrggghhhh!
Seems to me a lot of life is reconciling opposite extremes, the video above
is something nice and lighthearted compared to my last blog entry. It also
15 years ago
Hey Mais, you need to take a new video because I watched this one and that's really only half a roll-over... 8^)
This was the fifth video that I took of her! Every time I tried to get her to rollover when I was taping, she'd just look at me and when I turned the camera off, she'd rollover! It was one big tease! So you're just going to have to deal with the half a rollover!
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